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Born in Paris, France.

New York University Film School, New York, USA
Paris 8, Master in New Technology Information and Communication Paris, France

Published twenty-one books such as "L'Art c'est la Vie" with auctioneer Pierre Cornette de Saint Cyr under her writer's name Virginie Michelet.

Works and lives in Paris.






The Experience,  set of 2 installations in situ in the Experience Store of Le Jardin Retrouvé

Installation 1 : rice paper panels, photographs and fabric.

Installation 2 : immersive olfactive set of 12 videos and their narratives, ensconced in fabric, audioguides

Paris, France, April 2019-2020



Les Rives de la Beauté, "La Matière dont les Rêves sont faits" Photographs and curation, Galerie Joseph, Paris, France Sept 19-23

21rst International Open, Photograph, Woman Made Gallery, Chicago, USA (Group Show)Aug 12-Sept 8



Garden Travelers, photographs, NOELI Gallery, Shanghai, China, (solo exhibition), March 4- April 6

Electron Salon, photographs, LACDA(Los Angeles Center for Digital Art), Los Angeles, USA (group exhibition)January 12- February 18



Snap to Grid, photographs, LACDA(Los Angeles Center for Digital Art), Los Angeles, USA (group exhibition)

Double Sens (Light Travelers), photographs, Phot'Aix photo Festival, Atelier HB Design, Aix en Provence, France (solo exhibition)

For the Migrants, photography, charity auction, Gallery 21-Saint Germain, Paris, France (group exhibition)

Trans-mutations, video, Future Identities & It’s Liquid Experimental Cinema and Video Art Festival in Chatham, Kent, UK (group exhibition)

Dreamchain/Last Supper, photography installation and talk for International Woman's day, Barr of Marseille, Marseille, France (solo installation)

Trans-mutation, video, Venice Experimental Video and Performance Art Festival, Venice, Italy (group exhibition)



French Artists, Noeli Gallery, Shanghai (group exhibition)

fffffffunnyfearlessfemmefataleorverynaughtygurls,Printed Web 3, group  collaboration with Paul Soulellis. On Rhizome and at Offprint London, Tate Modern, London



Light Travelers, Noeli Gallery, Shanghai (solo exhibition)

We are Water,  Soap Factory, Minneapolis (group exhibition)

The Wall of Temptation performance#2, Mouvart and New York Cutlog Art Fair, New York City


Corpus/Itineris, Galerie Edifor Jean Briance, Paris, Month of Photography- Saint Germain des Prés (solo exhibition)
Paul et Virginie Remix, POC Festival at Grobet-Labadié Museum, Marseille, (solo installation)
The Wall of Temptation, Lift/Fing Conference, Villa Méditerranée, Marseille, (solo performance)
Light Travelers, photography, Mouvart show at the Young Entrepreneurs Society (CJD), Aix en Provence (group exhibition)


La Trocade Art Fair, Marseille (group exhibition)
The Triumph of Virtue, Rétine le Lieu, Marseille (solo exhibition)
Paul et Virginie, photography, collective exhibition, Young Masters Art Prize, by Cynthia Corbett Gallery, London (group exhibition)
Temptation, Presentation of installation and talk show with philosopher Marc Rosmini, café Philo, Marseille


Paul et Virginie - Awakening, Eat-Gallery, Marseille (group exhibition)



Paul et Virginie-Mises en Boîtes, Mouvart Art Fair, Marseille (solo exhibition)



Rencontre Clara Feder/Virginie Michelet's texts and Jacques Robert’s photography, Galerie Magda Danysz, Paris


prizes and mentions

Short listed (notable entry) for Theo Westenberger Prize, 2016

Dreamchain, project included by Les Amis du New Museum for Women of the Arts website, 2016

Member of The Gallery Tally group for gender Equity in the Art World, 2015



Le Jardin Retrouvé (Niche Maison de Parfums), body of digital collages, 2016.

Grobet-Labadié Museum, Paul et Virginie Remix, installation on 3 floors, Marseille, France, 2013
FING (France Internet Nouvelle Génération), Wall of Temptation #1, performance for Lift/FING conference, Marseille, France, 2013


selected private collections
Myriam ULLENS, Brussels

Shen WEN, Shanghai
Marie-Hélène GRINFEDER, Paris


An ever winning smile, text by Patrick de WILDE, photographer
Light Travelers, text by Marie-Hélène GRINFEDER, art historian, expert in twentieth century art, author
Clara Feder’s work on Temptation : a symbol of our Society, text by Marc ROSMINI, philosopher, art critic, author
Gratte la surface au-delà du regard, text by Julie GRELLEY, writer and scenarist


selection of articles

Nez, France, September 2019

Newstar, China, April 2017

Shanghai Daily, March 2017

Artdependence, May 2016

Artension, May 2016

ArticulAction, January 2015

Time out Shanghai, October 2014

That's Shanghai, October 2014

Shanghai Daily, September 2014

China Daily, September 2014

Grazia (China), September 2014

Artnet news, May 2014

ArtFcity, May 2014

DigitalArti (USA), May 2014

New York Magazine, May 2014

Seymour Magazine, January 2013



Catalogue Garden Travelers, March 2017

Catalogue Light Travelers, September 2014, October 2013
Catalogue Triumph of Virtue, a retrospective, October 2012
Catalogue of Young Masters fundraising exhibition and auction, lot n°17, June 2012
Catalogue of Mouvart Art Fair auction, lot n° 17, October 2010




​​"By hiding the truth in a parallel and dreamlike setting, Clara Feder offers a vision of the world where one sees the dissolution of man in the system of objects and values that he himself created. "


Julie Grelley, writer








© 2015-2019 by Clara Feder

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