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30 mai 20131 min de lecture
Last Monday at the Pavillon Noir/Lundi dernier au Pavillon Noir
The audience (250 entrepreneurs and patrons ) was celebrating the Art en Entreprise by the Young Entrepreneurs's Club at the...
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26 sept. 20121 min de lecture
Preparing the exhibition#1/Préparation de l'expo#1
Shipping with great care Virginie and her glass coffin from Paris, as well as Triumph of Virtue #1 and #4 from London. C'est le moment de...
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11 juil. 20121 min de lecture
London exhibition: a few images!/Quelques images de l'exposition à Londres
The auction #london #clarafeder #pauletvirginie
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11 juil. 20121 min de lecture
Clara's ambrotyped face/Le visage de Clara en ambrotype
To have my photograph taken is not an idea that would've occured to me hadn't it been for a striking work by a striking artist. Matthieu...
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27 mai 20121 min de lecture
Participation at YoungMaster's Exhibition&Auction, London
Young Master's Jury have selected 2 of my works to partake in their Fund raising exhibition and auction. Here are the details of this...
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20 mai 20121 min de lecture
Kinship of destiny between Ophelia and Virginia/Les destins parallèles d'Ophélie et de Virginie
Ophelia, in Shakespeare's Hamlet, was estranged by her lover and ended up drowned of her own sad will. Virginia, in Bernardin de Saint...
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16 févr. 20111 min de lecture
Enjoy my Paul & Virginia Video Summary !
#clarafeder #paulandvirginia
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16 oct. 20101 min de lecture
Pierre Cornette de Saint Cyr gets into the bubble/dans la bulle!
It so happened that the famous french auctioneer Pierre Cornette de Saint Cyr visited Mouvart the other day, as he was to perform an...
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